
Watching TV increases the risk of cognitive impairment

Scientists explain why books are healthier than television

Researchers from the University of South Australia were able to determine how the choice of sedentary activity is linked to brain health and the risk of dementia in older adults.

Watching TV increases the risk of cognitive impairment

A study published in The Journals of Gerontology demonstrated that mental and social activities, such as reading and socializing, increase cognitive function. In contrast, pastimes such as watching TV have a negative impact on brain function.

The study involved people over the age of 60. Scientists analyzed their habits and found that those requiring mental exertion improve memory and thinking activity. Video games and watching TV can increase the risk of cognitive dysfunction.

This means that reading books, doing crossword puzzles and socializing with loved ones is a great way to keep your brain sharp.

Scientists also reminded that one of the best ways to fight dementia remains physical activity.

Earlier we informed how short videos disturb memory and what habits make the brain age.

Author: Наталья Чудесатова

Africa's new ocean is being born, it has been revealed

Africa is experiencing changes in the earth that could lead to a new ocean. A crack is appearing in Africa, near Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti, that is dividing the continent faster than thought.

Africa's new ocean is being born, it has been revealed
Photo: / Pinterest

A crack has formed between three parts of the earth: the Nubian, Somali and Arabian. Because of volcanoes and water from the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, the crack is getting bigger.

Pravda.Ru writes that earlier it was thought that the new ocean will appear in 8-10 million years, but now it is believed that it can happen faster.

This could lead to the fact that Africa will become an island, as well as the emergence of new sea routes and unique nature. Scientists continue to study this process.

Earlier it was reported that a 30-meter skeleton of an unknown creature was found at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, and also in Brazil the city of Buriticupu was in danger of disappearing due to sinkholes. A state of emergency has been declared for 1,200 people whose homes may be destroyed.


Author: Наталья Чудесатова

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