
Doctors have named the best workouts for overcoming the effects of stroke

Intense exercise helps you recover better after a stroke

Cardiologists from the USA came to such conclusions after conducting an experiment. Patients who exercised more intensively showed better endurance.

Doctors have named the best workouts for overcoming the effects of stroke
Photo: from open sources

The American Heart Association (AHA) has concluded that vigorous exercise, rather than moderate activity, is best for stroke recovery.

These conclusions were based on a study of 82 men and women between the ages of 40 and 82 who had experienced a stroke between six months and five years ago. One group exercised much more intensely than the other.

Intense workouts of 20 to 30 minutes resulted in the first group having significantly double the cardiorespiratory endurance of the group that exercised with less exertion.

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Author: Наталья Чудесатова

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