World31.10.2020 - 22:54

England opens world’s first hedgehog park

In the UK, the population of hedgehogs decreased by 98%, animals are recognized as an endangered species. Therefore, in the Lake Territory, the world's first hedgehog park was opened.

In the park, hedgehogs will be able to live in safety, especially the project is designed to protect animals during winter hibernation, when they become especially vulnerable to predatory animals. Human activities had a huge impact on the decline in the number of hedgehogs.

Employees will continue to develop a project to save a population of hedgehogs whose disappearance will adversely affect the balance of the ecosystem. Thus, it is planned to create "hotels" where hedgehogs can survive hibernation.

Representatives of the organization also appealed to residents of the kingdom to usefully abandon the use of chemicals in gardening, which poison hedgehogs, as well as check high grass before mowing it - a huge number of animals die from lawn mowers.


Photo:  Parkdean Resorts
