World25.11.2022 - 11:09

Guardian: Britain is slammed by a record wave of immigration

The Kingdom has issued more than 1 million work and student visas for foreigners.

Фото: from open sources

From June 2021 to the current year 2022 the number of immigrants who entered the territory of Great Britain amounted to 504 thousand people. It is reported that this is a record since the Second World War. This is reported by The Guardian with reference to the data of the National Statistics Service of Great Britain.

Thus, the number of net migration increased twofold. Employees of the statistical service explain it by the fact that the main part of newcomers are citizens of Ukraine, Hong Kong and Afghanistan. In addition, foreign students, after the easing of coronavirus restrictions, were able to study full-time at British universities.

"Migration trends have been influenced by a chain of events in the world over these 12 months that can be called extraordinary," said Jay Lindop, deputy director of the National Service.

According to official figures, U.K. authorities have already issued more than 1 million work and student visas to immigrants. However, 70 percent of the new arrivals are not part of the European Union.
