World22.08.2023 - 10:10

Big Kid Kindergarten for adults opened in Scotland

People here play constructor or make various crafts all day long.

Фото: Big Kid Kindergarten

In Scotland, a special Big Kid Kindergarten has been opened for adults who want to feel like children. People here can play, make crafts, listen to fairy tales and play in the sandbox all day long.

The kindergarten opened in Edinburgh. It is based on the idea that grown men and women can be children again. They are allowed to play with new friends, draw and build sand castles. At the same time, this institution cannot be considered a full-fledged kindergarten. It is rather an interactive game. Adults from 16 years old can visit the kindergarten for eight to ten pounds per day.

This kind of interactivity has a therapeutic effect. It allows you to shed the burden of responsibility and devote yourself to a hobby. In particular, thanks to manual labor, the brain rests. It is noted that not all Internet users appreciated the idea of being a child again for a while. They believe that if a person has problems, it is best to consult a psychologist.
