World21.06.2024 - 10:23

Ecuador's parliament to apologize for president's words about other heads of state

He called Colombian President Gustavo Petro a «leftist snob» and Salvadoran head Nayib Bukele an arrogant man.

Фото: AFP

Ecuador's parliament says it will apologize for the words of the country's president, Daniel Noboa, against other Latin American leaders.

Lawmakers said that with 86 votes in favor and 35 against approve the decision regarding Noboa's statements in The New Yorker magazine.

According to the Primicias portal, the parliamentarians condemned the president's statement and demanded that he refrain from characterizations of a personal nature from now on. They also ordered to apologize to the leaders of the countries that were mentioned in the interview. The head of the National Assembly will send appropriate letters personally to each president.

Earlier, in a conversation with a reporter from The New Yorker, Noboa called Colombian colleague Gustavo Petro a "leftist snob," and President Salvador Nayib Bukele an arrogant man who pursues the goal of controlling power for himself and enriching his family.

According to Noboa, Chilean President Gabriel Borich's actions are limited by his partners from extreme leftist movements. Regarding Argentine leader Javier Milay, the Ecuadorian president said he "doesn't know why the latter thinks he is so brilliant." Noboa added that Miley has achieved nothing since coming to power, he is "full of himself."

A day earlier, the whole of Ecuador was left without light after a power line accident.

