World19.01.2024 - 15:12

For the fifth time in a week, the U.S. Armed Forces struck Houthi military facilities in Yemen

According to Pentagon sources, these were pre-emptive strikes against Hussein rocket and missile launchers.

Фото: RIA Novosti

For the fifth time this week, the United States Army in the Middle East has fired rockets and bombed Yemen, where the military facilities of the Ansar Allah movement of the Houthis are located.

According to The New York Times and CNN, U.S. intelligence received information about an attack on commercial ships and warships in the Red Sea being prepared by the Houthis. A series of strikes were aimed at missile and missile launchers of the Houthis.

The United States, in coalition with Britain, began attacking Houthi military installations in Yemen since January 12. Aircraft, ships and submarines are used. Thus, on Thursday, January 18, the U.S. Armed Forces struck 14 missile installations of the Houthis.

Yemeni Houthis continue to attack ships in the Red and Arabian Seas.

Political and military observers see these U.S. attacks on Yemen as a new round of escalation of the military conflict in the Middle East region.
