World18.05.2024 - 20:54

Cargo transit between Russia and China along the Northern Sea Route could increase 20-fold by 2030

Alexei Likhachev, CEO of Rosatom, predicts a significant increase in cargo transit between Russia and China via the Northern Sea Route in the next decade.


Alexey Likhachev, Director General of Rosatom State Corporation, shared his ambitious plans for the future use of the Northern Sea Route as a key transportation artery between Russia and China at the recently held Russian-Chinese EXPO in Harbin. He said that the volume of cargo transit along this route could increase more than twenty-fold by 2030.

At the moment, as Likhachev pointed out, cargo transit along the Northern Sea Route is about two million tons per year. However, taking into account strategic plans for infrastructure development and modernization, it is assumed that by 2030 this figure could reach 50 million tons.

Russia and China are actively working to expand cooperation on infrastructure projects that will support transit growth. This includes improving port infrastructure and increasing the efficiency of logistics chains.

Likhachev also noted the importance of international cooperation and technological integration to achieve these ambitious goals. He expressed confidence that the Northern Sea Route, thanks to its strategic position and the ability to provide the shortest route between the most important ports of the two countries, will become one of the main transportation arteries in global trade.

Earlier, the vessel Project 821 was built and launched in the Netherlands.

