Пекин надеется, что Вашингтон выполнит обещания президента Джо Байдена не поддерживать независимость Тайваня. Об этом заявил представитель канцелярии Госсовета КНР по делам Тайваня Чэнь Биньхуа.Beijing hopes that Washington will fulfill President Joe Biden's promises not to support Taiwan's independence. This was stated by Chen Binhua, spokesman for the Chinese State Council's Office of Taiwan Affairs.
He noted that China has paid attention to the US leader's remarks. The Taiwan issue is the main of Beijing's most important interests, as well as the most important and sensitive issue in China-US relations, Chen Binhua emphasized.
Earlier, The Wall Street Journal, citing US officials, wrote that China may intensify military maneuvers before the inauguration of the recently elected President of Taiwan Lai Tsingde.
Recall that China protested to Japan over congratulations to the new head of Taiwan. Beijing appreciates the position of the Russian Federation on the elections in Taiwan.