World14.03.2024 - 12:03

Japan's Fukuyama put on high alert due to toxic cat

The incident occurred at Nomura Plating Fukuyama Factory on the night of March 11.

Фото: Pikabu

In Japan, the authorities of the city of Fukuyama have imposed a state of high alert because of the cat, which at the local plant fell into a tank with dangerous chemicals, but got out and is now running around somewhere. This is reported by the Asahi edition.

The incident was revealed with the help of CCTV cameras. The cat bathed in hexavalent chromium.

City authorities warned residents that it is dangerous to approach the toxic cat. Police and veterinary services are searching for the animal. But local health authorities suggest the cat may have already died from chemical burns because hexavalent chromium is highly acidic and carcinogenic.

Special protection is required when working with this substance. Hexavalent chromium is dangerous to human health, can cause lung cancer, and damages the mucous membranes of the eyes and skin.

Some toxic substances are deadly. For example, in February this year in Tatarstan, two workers of a car wash were severely poisoned while washing a tank carrying hexocene. One of them died before the ambulance arrived, the other was taken to intensive care.

Cats themselves can sometimes cause trouble for people. In Ufa, hungry cats accidentally turned on an induction stove when the owners were not at home and started a fire. 
