World12.07.2024 - 11:10

Musk commented on President Biden's press conference

American businessman Ilon Musk supported the opinion that the recent press conference of Joe Biden was a failure. He wrote about it on his page in the social network X.

Фото: from open sources

In response to a post by a user that criticized the American president, he wrote that it was one hundred percent true.

Earlier at the press conference itself, Biden said that his health condition did not require any additional checks. He underwent three significant examinations by neurologists who said Biden was in good shape.

The fact of the examinations recognized in the White House, the doctor's visits were part of the regular examinations of the head of state.

Recall that Biden is determined to continue the fight for the post of President of the United States. In the framework of the NATO summit, passing the word to Zelensky, the US leader called him "President Putin".
