World11.06.2024 - 09:18

U.S. ordered to expel illegal migrants from Russia

For representatives of the rest of the eastern hemisphere, they are allowed to stay in the U.S. while their cases are pending.

Фото: AFP

U.S. border guards in California have been ordered to immediately deport illegal migrants from Russia and five other countries of the former Soviet Union after they are apprehended.

According to the New York Post, citing an internal document, people from the rest of the eastern hemisphere, which includes more than 100 African, Asian and European countries, as well as Australia, are allowed to stay in the United States while their cases are being processed.

The memorandum states that adult migrants from Russia, Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will be immediately removed from America.

The document covers a section of the border in the San Diego area, where most of the illegals from “eastern hemisphere” countries pass through. Last fiscal year, which ended in September, there were a record 43,000 Russians among them.

White House chief Joe Biden earlier imposed a temporary ban on political asylum in the United States for migrants illegally crossing the border with Mexico.
