World05.09.2024 - 11:37

Lightning strike on the beach: American woman miraculously survived

Meredith Willits from Illinois survived a lightning strike while vacationing with her husband on a beach in Florida. The incident happened suddenly - the woman instantly fell to the ground and lost the ability to move and speak. Her husband, trying to make sure of his spouse's condition, immediately called an ambulance.

Фото: publicly available

When paramedics arrived, Willits was taken to the emergency room where doctors discovered that the left side of her body had lost mobility. Doctors initially suspected a stroke, but further testing did not confirm that diagnosis. Recovering from the stroke, Willits shared her experiences on social media.

“It felt like a 130-pound man fell on my head,” she said in a video on TikTok two weeks after the incident.

The woman also noted that after the impact she had unusual symptoms: a rash on the back of her head, a cyst on her ovary ruptured, and her psychic abilities, according to her, have become more acute. The Daily Mail reports that.

Willits' case highlights how unpredictable the effects of lightning strikes can be, and is a reminder to be cautious during thunderstormy weather, especially in open areas such as beaches.
