World05.07.2024 - 13:24

A monkeypox patient in Ireland has been identified as having infected 75 sexual partners with the virus in 21 days

Since May 2022, 229 people have been diagnosed with monkeypox in Ireland in a 12-month period, with one in ten people who became ill ending up in hospital.

Фото: from open sources

Outbreaks of monkeypox observed in Ireland in 2022 led experts to investigate the ways of spreading this infection. As a result, they identified a person who was actively spreading the virus. About this tells the publication RTE.

The results of the study, published in the scientific journal The Irish Medical Journal, show that, starting in May 2022, within 12 months, smallpox of monkeys in Ireland was diagnosed in 229 people, with every tenth person who fell ill went to hospital.

These patients had an average of two sexual partners in the 21 days before infection. However, there was one man who had changed 75 sexual partners during this period, infecting them all with monkeypox.

The study provides some statistics on the infected. 46 percent of the patients were under 35 years of age. The maximum age of an infected person was 68 years. Two-thirds of the patients were from Ireland and about one-third were from Latin America.

Monkeypox is a viral disease characterized by rashes on the body. The disease is contracted through direct contact and airborne droplets. The first infection was detected in early May 2022 in a British man after his return from Nigeria. Then the disease began to be registered in a number of other countries.

Earlier, Rospotrebnadzor reported the detection of monkeypox in two residents of St. Petersburg, who returned from a tourist trip to China

