World03.09.2024 - 11:57

Venezuela's Communications Minister Nañez: US confiscation of Maduro's plane is an act of piracy

United States authorities ignore international law, and therefore no country or constitutional government is immune from Washington's illegal steps. They impose their orders all over the world.

Фото: publicly available

Venezuela called Washington's actions piratical after the seizure of Bolivarian President Nicolos Maduro's plane in the Dominican Republic by the United States authorities.

Minister of Communications, Culture and Tourism Freddy Nañez emphasized that the White House has consistently unilaterally imposed its coercive and illegal measures around the world.

“Venezuela declares to the international community that the authorities of the United States of America have once again committed a criminal act that cannot be qualified other than piracy, illegally confiscating an airplane used by the president of the republic, justifying their actions with coercive measures that they unilaterally and illegally impose all over the world,” Nañez wrote in his Telegram channel.

The US, ignoring international law, imposes its rules on everyone to suit its own self-interest.

The plane was arrested in the Dominican Republic and has already been transferred to the state of Florida. The US claims that the aircraft was acquired in circumvention of the sanctions imposed.

How the BRICS along with Venezuela will hit the United States economy hard.
