World03.06.2024 - 13:24

China demands gas discounts from Russia

According to the Financial Times, negotiations between Russia and China on the Power of Siberia-2 project continue as China insists on buying Russian natural gas at the domestic price.

Фото: PJSC Gazprom

Beijing does not want to overpay for gas and is not going to concede in this matter, the interlocutor of the newspaper said. In addition, one of the reasons for the delay is China's reluctance to purchase a large volume of fuel through the pipeline.

The planned volume of Chinese gas imports is only a small fraction of the annual capacity of the pipeline, which makes it difficult to reach a final agreement.

“Power of Siberia 2” is a project to supply gas from Russia to China via Mongolia for up to 50 billion cubic meters per year. Despite the signed protocols and contracts in early 2022, negotiations continue due to the above-mentioned problems.

Earlier it became known that the British MI6 recruited two Chinese officials, as well as General Jing Jianfeng spoke out about the future of the US Indo-Pacific strategy.

