Tourism28.05.2024 - 13:31

The expert told about the peculiarities of obtaining a US visa

Kletchenkova shared tips for those preparing to apply for a visa.

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According to Daria Kletchenkova, head of Glavvisa, in an interview for, US consulates continue to show bias against Russians, which makes it difficult to obtain visas. However, she emphasized that this does not mean that it is impossible to get a visa.

The expert noted that representatives of American consulates in a number of CIS countries are no longer as welcoming to Russian citizens as they used to be. However, the situation has become a little easier than at the beginning of the year.

As an alternative, Kletchenkova recommended paying attention to such countries as Indonesia, Qatar, Bahrain and Romania. In these countries it is possible to pass the interview with the help of an interpreter, and the chances of successfully obtaining a visa are noticeably higher.

Earlier, the psychologist pointed out where you should not go on vacation, and also experts advised to go to Asia this season.
