Tourism18.10.2023 - 13:07

Tourists are proposed to be charged an entry fee of 50 thousand rubles for trips to Baikal

This is how experts want to reduce the tourist flow to Baikal.

Фото: from open sources

In order to reduce the tourist flow to Baikal, tourists should be charged an entry fee. At that, the fee will be charged only from those tourists who do not live in the Baikal region.

Such a proposal came from the scientific head of the Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Viktor Danilov-Danilyan, reports the portal "Prime".

In his opinion, the fee should be 50 thousand rubles. These funds will not only reduce the tourist flow on the lake, keep it clean, but also allow to create the necessary infrastructure for tourists who do come to Baikal, the expert believes.

Thus, according to his calculations, 3 million tourists visited Baikal this year. At the same time, this territory can actually take no more than 300 thousand tourists, Danilov-Danilyan believes.

"The carrying capacity of Baikal is below the real flow of "wild" tourists at least 10 times," he explains his position.

Earlier it was reported that tourists from Russia dream of visiting Baikal, the Louvre and the Lena Pillars.
