Sport29.04.2024 - 18:52

Mercedes have offered cooperation to Helmut Marko

Rumors that Max Verstappen will leave Red Bull Racing do not subside even despite the statement of the head Christian Horner that the athlete will play for the team next year.


Austrian edition OE24 with reference to its own sources reports that at the future Grand Prix of Miami management of Mercedes will hold talks with representatives of Max Verstappen. The reigning champion will be offered a multi-year contract under which he will earn 150 million euros a year including bonuses.

Verstappen will also be offered a contract ambassador of the brand Mercedes, which will be valid even after the completion of the racer's career.

It is reported that Mercedes offered cooperation and Red Bull's motorsport consultant Helmut Marko. Probably the bosses of Mercedes in advance went to meet Max, who several times said that he wants to continue to work with Marko.
