Science27.10.2022 - 13:43

Nature Communications: e-cigarettes cause arrhythmias and strokes

Vaping can cause damage to the heart similar to damage from smoking regular cigarettes.

Фото: from open sources

The use of electronic cigarettes (vaping) can cause heart damage similar to that caused by smoking regular cigarettes. The study was published in the journal nature Communications.

For example, experiments were conducted with mice that were exposed to e-cigarette vapor, which led to arrhythmia. Arrhythmia can cause adverse and even life-threatening consequences, from blood clots and strokes to cardiac arrest.

In the test mice, the heart rate dropped immediately after exposure to the vape, and soon afterwards, it jumped up just as dramatically. The study noted that the mice were exposed to vapors with chemical compounds characteristic of fruit and menthol flavors, which are particularly common among teenagers.
