Society28.02.2024 - 12:23

American couple infuriated guests with an unusual request for a wedding

According to the Daily Mail, one of the invitees shared an unusual request that was contained in the wedding invitation.

Фото: Beatriz Perez Moya / Unsplash

According to the guest, their invitation noted that the couple did not expect gifts from their guests. Instead, they were asked to pay for the food that would be provided at the celebration. They were asked to pay $40 (about 3.6 thousand rubles) each for an adult guest, and $20 (about 1.8 thousand rubles) each for children under the age of 12. This decision caused shock to the woman, who shared a screenshot of the wedding invitation on social networks.

Earlier in the Russian Federation began to better protect IT forums, as well as the conflict between Mutseniece and Priluchny entered the actor's new wife.
