Society21.12.2022 - 16:54

The State Duma has banned the forced collection of biometric data

Residents of Russia will be able to refuse to collect biometric data through the Multifunctional Center.

Фото: from open sources

The State Duma approved in the third reading a bill prohibiting the compulsory collection of biometric data by commercial and state structures.

So, a person will be able to refuse to submit biometric data by writing a corresponding application to a multifunctional center. They will also be able to withdraw their consent for biometric data collection, if it was previously given via Gosuslugi. If desired, parents will be able to submit biometric data instead of their children.

The law also provides for creation of a list of types of collected biometric data. We are talking about facial image and voice sample.

Among other things, the document provides liability for coercion to submit biometric data.
