Society21.06.2024 - 11:05

Bacon ice cream: why McDonald's has abandoned its use of AI

According to foreign media reports, the McDonald's chain has stopped using the AI system for taking orders after complaints from customers. It is specified that the innovation was tested since 2021 in more than a hundred establishments across the United States. A good reason to «curtail» the program was the fact that the AI misunderstood the requests of guests of the institution.

Фото: Kena Betancur / Getty Images

The editorial staff of asked Egor Skokov, a lecturer of the cybersport department of Synergy University, for a comment.

"Considering this news, I assume that McDonald's management decided not to give up, but to suspend the AI in order to finalize the system and correct errors. I believe that AI will not replace humans, but it is likely that humans themselves will limit the capabilities of neural networks for safety. If, for example, we consider the routine work of technical support, which is in every application, then, of course, it is much more convenient for me when my questions are instantly answered by a robot that recognizes my request, than to wait for a person for 10 minutes, who will tell me the same thing," - said the speaker.

We should add that the guests were offered ice cream with bacon, a pile of chicken nuggets for large sums of money, and one of the visitors the system decided to "treat" several portions of ice cream, ketchup packets and two portions of butter. The latter incident was caught on a video that went viral on TikTok.

McDonald's has instructed franchisees to stop using the technology by the end of July. The contract for its use will not be renewed. However, the company expressed confidence that one day this technology will find its use.
