Society20.05.2024 - 13:41

Media has learned about the side effects of the Princess of Wales' cancer treatment

Princess Kate Middleton, who is battling colon cancer, has been dealing with the side effects of chemotherapy, leading to exhaustion.

Фото: Krystian Dobuszynski/Keystone Press Agency/Global Look Press

Dr. Stuart Fisher explained that the chemotherapy treatment affects the skin, hair, intestinal mucosa and bone marrow, RadarOnline reported.

The princess was reportedly treated by the Pope's medical team, known for its successful surgeries among celebrities. At the same time, it is not clear why the choice fell on this team, and not on doctors from London. Perhaps it was done to ensure privacy at the Palace.

Kate Middleton announced her cancer at the end of March after a long absence from the public eye, causing much speculation and speculation.
