Society20.01.2023 - 17:55

The National: South Sudan is becoming uninhabitable due to floods

The climate in the region has changed in recent years. The Nile tributary is oversaturated with water due to frequent rains. The Sudda Plain became like a swamp.

Фото: from open sources

Climate change is making South Sudan uninhabitable. This was written about by the publication of The National.

The problem of the African region was drought, now frequent floods. Rainfall used to be very rare in South Sudan, but in recent years it has been raining frequently. Because of this, there is an oversaturation of a tributary of the Nile, the White Nile, with water.

Since 2021 the Sudda plain, which occupies the main part of South Sudan, has been flooded. For this reason, the land there becomes like a swamp.

Almost all the inhabitants of the region live in relocation camps. Their number is estimated at one million people.

Cattle which constitute the center of the economy of the region and the basis of the nourishment of the local inhabitants is dying out. Its herd has fallen by one million over the past year.

Weather forecasters give disappointing predictions. In the coming years the floods will continue, people will not be able to return to their villages and plant the land. Such prospects look catastrophic, The National wrote.
