Society19.09.2020 - 14:08

Dietitian named way to lose weight without diets

For weight loss, it is not necessary to stick to strict diets, said nutritionist Adriana Oros. She talked about the «plate method,» which helps follow the diet and teach you how to eat rightly.

The method is that half of the plate should be vegetables (raw or cooked), a quarter - proteins (eggs, lean meat, fish, seafood, legumes). The remaining quarter of the plate should consist of complex carbohydrates - pasta, rice, potatoes or whole grain bread. You can add a little olive oil, nuts or avocado to your food.

As the expert noted, weight-loss people often forget about the importance of complex carbohydrates, and also choose the wrong proteins. Moreover, food should be diverse. For example, people often consume meat and forget about fish, seafood, eggs and legumes.

The dietitian advised when using the "plate method" to systematize the procedure for cooking. First, it is important to add raw vegetables, then proteins, and then carbohydrates.


Photo: from open sources
