Society18.06.2024 - 12:29

Poll: Most Russians are in favor of abolishing the USE

According to the survey, the majority of Russians are in favor of abolishing the Unified State Examination (USE).


"FederalPress" reports that among the respondents the most popular answer was "Cancel".

According to the poll, 57% of respondents were in favor of abolishing the USE, considering it an inefficient way of assessing knowledge. 25% of respondents supported the idea of reforming the exam, while 11% urged to avoid extremes in the current system. The remaining 7% of the survey participants said that they do not care.

The poll was conducted on the website of "FederalPress" among the readers of the publication.

Earlier, a study by the SOKOLOV analytical center showed that only 20% of Russians believe in the connection between wearing a wedding ring and fidelity. 76% of respondents believe otherwise, and Moscow and St. Petersburg turned out to be the best cities for part-time work.
