Society13.05.2024 - 12:45

Early May in Russia broke the observation record

According to the statements of the scientific head of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center Roman Vilfand, the first ten-day period of May in the European part of Russia may be recognized as the coldest in the history of observations.

Фото: RIA Novosti

According to the meteorologist, this region faced an unusual situation when cold air masses from the Arctic Ocean were attracted to this region. Two different centers - an anticyclone to the west and a cyclone to the east of Moscow - contributed to the movement, advection of cold air masses from the Arctic Ocean, Vilfand explained to TASS.

This meteorological phenomenon, according to Wilfand, is rare. As a result of the impact of air masses from the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea, the air temperature in the first decade of May decreased by 8-10 degrees Celsius relative to the climatic norm. The specialist also noted that the current weather in the European part of Russia lags behind the usual indicators by three to four weeks. It is expected that on May 13, 14 and 15 the temperature will be below the norm by 5-7 degrees Celsius.

Earlier, the problems of ecology of the Caspian Sea were discussed in Moscow by representatives of Russia and Azerbaijan, as well as expert Ivanov told about the revolutionary technology of aerial roots for apple trees.
