Society12.07.2024 - 12:03

A dangerous parasite has been discovered that can lead to mental retardation

Lambliasis is a disease caused by parasites called giardia that can infect the human intestines. The disease can have serious consequences, including mental retardation, if not treated in a timely manner.

Фото: from open sources

Giardia parasites are widespread everywhere, but residents of environmentally unfavorable regions are at increased risk. Infection can occur through contaminated water (e.g., in lakes), contact with infected people (through dirty hands, sexual contact), and other transmission mechanisms. The main symptoms of giardiasis include egg-scented belching, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and flatulence. Fatigue and weight loss may also be observed. This is reported by The Sun.

Without antibiotic treatment, giardiasis can progress, causing dehydration, malnutrition and physical and mental retardation, especially in children. After a long period of untreatment, it is possible to develop autoimmune diseases such as arthritis. Specialists reminded that it is important to observe hygienic measures, avoid contact with potentially contaminated water and food, and consult a doctor if an infection is suspected, in order to start treatment in time and prevent serious complications.

