The State Duma will introduce a bill to abolish the compulsory USE in Russia.
Liberal Democrats have drafted a bill proposing to cancel the mandatory Uniform State Examination (USE) for school graduates. They proposed to give schoolchildren the right to choose between the USE and traditional final exams, TASS reported.
If passed, the law will come into force on January 1, 2025.
LDPR deputies noted that the changes would allow Russia to get more highly qualified specialists. The parliamentarians recalled that there is currently a shortage of educated mid-level specialists and a shortage of laborers.
The lawmakers emphasized that their project will help to conduct a better selection among college, college and technical school applicants. Also, this initiative may help increase the number of those willing to receive vocational training.
The deputies will submit the bill to the lower house of parliament on Monday, March 11.
Earlier, Rosobrnadzor pointed out the conditions for the annulment of USE results at retake.