Society04.09.2024 - 13:12

Kazakhstan has experienced an outbreak of anthrax

The cause of the infection, tentatively, was contact with an infected animal during slaughtering. A ban on the export of livestock and meat products was imposed in the locality.

Фото: publicly available

Ulken Aksu village of Almaty region of Kazakhstan was in the epicenter of an outbreak of anthrax. On September 3, it became known that four cases of suspected cases of this dangerous disease were detected among local residents. Authorities immediately responded by imposing quarantine measures.

According to village Akim Adilzhan Kurbaniyazov, a ban on the export of livestock and meat products was introduced in Ulken Aksu. This is due to the fact that, according to preliminary information, the cause of infection was working with an infected animal during slaughter. Contact with infected meat or animal products can lead to human infection.

It is important to emphasize that there is no order to ban the movement of people in Ulken Aksu. Villagers are free to leave the village, but are advised to observe personal hygiene and avoid contact with potentially infected animals or meat products.

Anthrax is a dangerous infectious disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. It can affect people and animals, causing serious and sometimes fatal consequences.

Recall, last year 11 people in the Voronezh region were infected with anthrax.

Later it became known that the resellers of infected meat were brought to justice.
