Show business20.05.2024 - 14:42

Singer Britney Spears showed how her leg swelled up 2 weeks after breaking it

Under the snapshot, Spears wrote that she was stubborn and did it her way.

Фото: social networks

Singer Britney Spears has revealed on social media a swollen broken leg that she is not treating.

According to the singer, she is traveling in Mexico two weeks after the fracture and has no plans to heed the advice to seek medical attention.

Under the photo, Spears wrote that she was stubborn and did it her way.

Earlier, Britney had a fight with lover Richard Paul Soliz in a hotel. During the fight with him, the performer injured her leg. Spears screamed and did not control herself in the hallway. The guests decided that she had a mental disorder and called an ambulance.

Britney published a post a few days later, saying she was moving around on her broken leg and would let it “heal on its own.” The 1990s star added that she had previously undergone surgery on her left leg three times, but was in more pain after the operation.
