Show business14.08.2024 - 11:27

The season's most colorful couple: Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made an extreme helicopter jump into the ocean

Katy Perry, 39, and Orlando Bloom, 47, decided to have an extreme date. The lovers jumped from a helicopter into the ocean together and received the title of «the most colorful couple of the season» according to network users.

Фото: social networks

Katy Perry, 39, and Orlando Bloom, 47, decided to surprise fans. The lovers went on an extreme date. The couple decided to jump from a helicopter into the ocean.

The footage from the extreme date Perry and Bloom shared with users.

The footage shows how, having arrived at the jump point, the helicopter slightly lowered its height, and the couple, holding hands, jumped into the watery abyss.

"It's like stars in the sky. You and I will find each other. In every life," - commented on the jump Katy with a line from her song.

The first to react to the publication was Bloom's ex-lover top model Miranda Kerr. She admired the courage of the former suitor and his new girlfriend, noting the post emoji in the form of hearts.

Fans of the couple were less restrained. They said that for such a jump Perry and Bloom can be safely recognized as the brightest couple of the season. However, others noted that the celebrities risked their health, as they violated the technique of the jump.

Earlier, a friend of Katy Perry told how she managed to lose excess weight.

Recall, Katy Perry since 2016 is in a relationship with actor Orlando Bloom. The proposal of marriage and heart of the artist received three years later. However, the wedding of the couple postponed indefinitely. Recently, the girl removed her wedding ring altogether. Fans assumed that the lovers played a wedding, so the artist removed the jewelry.

So far, the possible spouses are in no hurry to comment on rumors about their marriage.
