Show business13.10.2021 - 16:22

Mikhail Boyarsky got a covid vaccination under the influence of his son and wife - Video

Famous Russian theater and film actor Mikhail Boyarsky said that he was vaccinated against COVID under the influence of his son and wife. In the future, he is also going to be revaccinated.

Boyarsky is currently preparing for the re-injection of the COVID-19 drug. First, he intends to get a flu shot, after which he will think about revaccination. The actor noted that not so long ago he suffered from COVID-19, so it is too early for him to reintroduce the vaccine.

The actor added that his son was first vaccinated, and then advised his parents to vaccinate, so they also decided to be vaccinated.

Mikhail said that he contracted COVID-19 in mid-July and got it in a mild form, since he had been vaccinated before that.


Photo: from open sources

Video: RuNews24 / RuTube

