Show business12.01.2022 - 14:13

Konstantin Khabensky still suffers from cancer after his wife's death - Video

The popular Russian actor and theater director Konstantin Khabensky, 14 years later, still suffers from the death of his wife Anastasia, who died of brain cancer.

Фото: from open sources

He noted that he still could not forget his wife. They learned about the diagnosis very late and tried to fight the disease. The couple even went to a sorcerer, but all attempts were unsuccessful. Even a second surgery and experimental treatment in the States did not save Anastasia.

After the death of his wife, the actor found himself with a one-year-old child in his arms. The boy was brought up by Anastasia's mother and took him to Barcelona. But later Konstantin insisted that they return to Russia. And bought a separate apartment in the Russian capital for his son and mother-in-law.


Video: RuNews24 / RuTube

