Show business03.09.2024 - 15:34

Garik Kharlamov and Kristina Asmus together came to the lineup for daughter Nastya

Recently, the name of Garik Kharlamov is mentioned only on the occasion of the recent marriage. However, the day before the comedian surprised fans. The man distracted from his new wife and congratulated his daughter from a previous marriage with the beginning of the school year.

Фото: Social media

Recently, Garik Kharlamov is mentioned only when discussing his recent marriage to Ekaterina Kovalchuk. Recall, the lovers decided to first sign, and then celebrate the wedding. By the way, Kharlamov's 10-year-old daughter from Kristina Asmus Nastia was not at the celebration.

But the holiday of his daughter Kharlamov did not miss. The day before he was spotted at school, where Nastya studies. Joint with Garik photo also shared Christina. Parents decided to attend the line in honor of the beginning of the new school year. Nastya went this year to the 5th grade.

In the frames published by Christina, Kharlamov and Asmus next to Nastya, who smiles cheerfully at the camera. Parents also look happy, which was noticed by the actress's follovers.

True, users did not leave without attention the fact that Kharlamov was dressed inappropriately. For the presence at the solemn ruler, he chose a cap, shorts and a T-shirt. And his eyes were covered with glasses.

“Judging by the glasses, he is still asleep,” ”Garik as if he came to kebabs. Could not dress normally?” - noted users.

Recall, comedian Garik Kharlamov and 31-year-old actress Katerina Kovalchuk became a legal husband and wife in June. The festive celebration took place in Agalarov Estate, exactly two months after their offline registration in the registry office.

This wedding is Garik's third marriage: his first wife was Yulia Leshchenko, and he had a seven-year relationship with Asmus, which resulted in a daughter.
