Show business03.08.2022 - 10:01

Beyoncé changed the lyrics of her song because of public pressure

The star was accused of insulting people with cerebral palsy.

Фото: from open sources

Charity Score and the singer's fans on social media called on Beyoncé to apologize for her song "Heated" from her new album. The star used the word spazzing, which means "going crazy" in American slang. But the word is consonant with spastic - "subject to constant spasms". In the public's view, this choice of vocabulary can be offensive to people with cerebral palsy.

Warren Kirwan, media manager at the charity Scope, said it was appalling that a global star would use such an offensive term. He urged the singer to remove "this offensive lyric" and noted that Beyoncé has long been a champion of inclusion and equality.

The diva was also criticized by ordinary listeners.

Under the threat to "cancel" the singer, the star quickly responded with a large post on social media. She agreed to change the lyrics and admitted that she herself understands the power of the word, as she had experienced the negative attitude on herself. The reasons were her skin color and parameters.


