At this age, people have the most active striatum, or striatum, a special brain structure that is involved in learning.
The optimum age for training is 17-20 years old. Neurologist Ekaterina Demyanovskaya told Gazeta.Ru about it. According to the expert, at this age a person has the most active striatum. This is the striatum, involved in the learning process.
As a result, at this age a person is better able to assimilate and remember information.
This statement is confirmed by scientific experiments of scientists from the Netherlands.
As part of the study, 232 volunteers aged 8 to 25 years were tested by distributing images into three cells. As a result, it turned out that people aged 17-20 coped best with this task. They were very fast learners and showed high accuracy, which reached 97 per cent.
"Another argument for learning at a young age is associated not with the work of the brain, but with general psychophysical skills," said Demyanovskaya.
Earlier, scientists found out that abandoning bad habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption, as well as regular communication with friends and family is beneficial for brain health, while the mutation of the APOE4 gene, which is associated with the progression of Alzheimer's disease, also provokes the early development of atherosclerosis.