Science28.12.2022 - 17:08

Scientists have stated that female jockeys win at races more often than male jockeys

In horseracing, with the same chance of winning, female jockeys are more likely to win.

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Scientists have found out in which sport it is better to bet on women rather than on men. Thus, according to a study conducted by experts from the University of Liverpool, at races with the same chance of winning, women riders win more often than men.

According to the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, the statement is based on a study of British national hunter racing data on 664,000 horses and riders over a 20-year period. During races, horses not only gallop across straight terrain, but also cross ditches and fences. Women and men can participate in the races.

After analyzing the data, scientists calculated the probability of each horse winning and even estimated the expected finishing position of each participant.

After comparing the results, it turned out that the predictions associated with female riders were significantly worse than the outcome of the races. Specifically, the 20 horses with female jockeys, on average, finished one place higher than expected.
