Science28.06.2024 - 11:31

Researchers have proven that cashless payments increase spending

Australian researchers have found that people who pay for goods and services by card and smartphone tend to be less vigilant about their spending. The use of banknotes still adds value to purchases.


A joint study by scientists from the Universities of Adelaide and Melbourne in Australia has shown that people who switched from cash to cashless payments when paying for goods and services have less control over their spending.

For the study, the consumer habits of residents of 17 countries were examined, and no significant difference between them was noticed. But people using cashless means of payment were willing to spend more money on status things like expensive clothes.

Researchers note that the transfer of bills from hand to hand gives each purchase an additional weight, and when using a card or smartphone, this feeling disappears. However, with the spread of cashless payments, this factor has also weakened over time.

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