Science28.03.2024 - 14:01

The world's fastest camera has appeared

The SCARF camera, developed in Canada, is a revolutionary device that stands out for its ability to produce images with incredible speed and accuracy.

Фото: from open sources

Its uniqueness comes from the use of ultrashort laser pulses that pass through objects, turning them into a color spectrum then captured by a camera.

SCARF's ability to produce a staggering 156.3 trillion frames per second opens the door to observing phenomena occurring in femtosecond time intervals. Researchers can now study phenomena previously inaccessible to the human eye, such as shock waves and the inner workings of cells.

Developed by the Canadian research center INRS Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications, the camera opens up new perspectives for physicists, biologists, chemists and engineers. Perhaps not every ordinary person will want to view video at such a high speed, but the developers believe that their invention will make a significant contribution to science and technology.

Earlier, an innovative underwater drone with unique capabilities was presented.
