Science26.08.2022 - 14:30

Current warming has become the strongest in 7,000 years

Scientists have stated that Modern Warming has become the most severe in the last 7,000 years.

Фото: from open sources

According to the journal Nature Communications, temperatures in northern Western Siberia began to rise in the 19th century. Previously, the climate here was variable every year.

Dendrochronologists, who studied trees, told about temperature changes over 7 thousand years. Especially hot were the summer seasons of recent decades.

Climatologists have noted that due to cyclic changes of the Earth's orbital parameters, the sun's energy supply decreases in summer at the circumpolar latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. This phase began about 8-9 thousand years ago and continues today.

Experts suggested that this warming was caused by a complex of factors.

"The rate of temperature increase in recent decades is not too fast if we consider relatively short time scales. But at an interval of 160 to 170 years, the rate of current warming is the fastest compared to what it has been in the past," the scientists said.

They are experimenting further and want to reconstruct the chronology of climate change.
