Science24.11.2023 - 17:01

Scientists tell how to improve brain function when you're sleep deprived

A 20-minute workout is enough to improve brain function.

Фото: from open sources

Scientists have found out how you can improve brain function when you are sleep deprived. According to the researchers, a 20-minute workout is enough to do this, reports Physiology & Behavior.

The statement was made after an experiment involving 24 people who experienced sleep deprivation, and some - in general lack of oxygen as mountain climbers and skiers.

After the experiment participants were asked to exercise. As it turned out, after a 20-minute ride on an exercise bike, the cognitive function of the brain improved.

Scientists believe that if a person in a state of sleep deprivation takes more time to exercise, it will exacerbate the stress of sleep deprivation and reduce mental abilities even more.

Earlier, doctors said that the desire to sleep during the day indicates a metabolic disorder.
