Science19.05.2023 - 15:11

Remains of a new species of herbivorous dinosaurs found in Argentina

Remains of a previously unknown 50-ton dinosaur, the size of which reached 30 meters in length, were found in Argentina.

Фото: from open sources

On the territory of Argentina in the province of Rio Negro, the remains of two dinosaurs were found, which, presumably, belong to a previously unknown species. According to the website of the country's National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), paleontologists believe that these giant dinosaurs lived on Earth 90 million years ago.

Their size reached up to 30 meters in length, and they weighed from 40 to 50 tons. Scientists have already named the dinosaur chucarosaurus diripienda.

Comparing the discovered femur almost 2 m long, paleontologists came to the conclusion that it was much slenderer than other dinosaurs. This is indicated by thinner bones.

The new species was assigned to the order of sauropods that ate plants.
