Science19.01.2024 - 16:07

Astrophysicists reassured that solar flares do not threaten the Earth

The solar flares will go on for about another year and a half.

Фото: from open sources

Earlier it became known that the Sun has seen bright strongest flares with gas emissions. Doctors of physical and mathematical sciences Igor Chashey and Sergei Bogachev reassured that there is no need to worry about this, as the giant flares do not threaten the Earth in any way.

Moreover, the solar activity should get used to, as such flares will continue for another year and a half, reports the magazine "The Secret of the Firm".

We should also expect more frequent magnetic storms, which can cause inconvenience to meteosensitive people.

Earlier, scientists found an unusual astronomical event on an ancient map of the sky, and Australian astronomers found a seismic ripple in a distant and ancient galaxy.
