Science18.12.2023 - 14:01

Scientists have revealed the beneficial properties of polyphenols

Foods rich in both types of polyphenols are onions, pomegranate, turmeric, cherries, plums, spinach, kale, nuts and cereals, as well as beverages such as coffee, cocoa and tea, especially green tea.

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Australian scientists have conducted a study in which they identified the beneficial properties of polyphenols. The work is based on data from the Melbourne Cohort Study involving tens of thousands of people.

Polyphenols are secondary metabolites of plants and algae that do not participate in their growth and reproduction. At the same time, they have an important role - they are responsible for photosynthesis and protection of plants from ultraviolet radiation, viral and fungal diseases. In addition, polyphenols help plants cope with stress caused by unfavorable environmental conditions.

A study by Australian scientists has shown that polyphenols have a positive effect not only on plants, but also on humans. In particular, they are able to improve the gut microbiome, reduce cancer development, as well as inflammation, writes RIA Novosti.

According to scientists, these natural compounds proved to be especially valuable for the elderly.

Scientists noted that to date more than eight thousand types of polyphenols are known, which are divided into two main classes: flavonoids and non-flavonoids. These compounds fight the harmful effects of free radicals, stabilizing them.

As a result, they can improve cognitive function and sleep, help treat type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, experts recommend regular consumption of foods containing polyphenols. These are: Kuk, pomegranate, turmeric, cherries, plums, spinach, kale, nuts and cereals, as well as beverages such as coffee, cocoa and tea, especially green tea.

Previously, scientists found a link between the habit of sleeping off at the weekend and stroke.
