Science18.07.2024 - 13:47

China has developed a more effective drug to replace antibiotics

The problem with classical antibiotics is that they make pathogens resistant to themselves. Drugs based on enzymes produced by phage viruses are devoid of this disadvantage.

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The eLife portal published an article by scientists from the People's Republic of China, which states that a new way has been found to detect lysins - enzymes produced by phage viruses during infection that have antimicrobial properties.

It is believed in the scientific community that phage lysins can replace classical antibiotics because they do not develop resistance to them in viruses. But before phage lysins were very difficult to identify, but now this process has been greatly simplified.

PHAb10 and PHAb11 lysines have shown the greatest efficiency. They not only cope with many pathogens, but also demonstrate resistance to high temperatures, retaining their effectiveness for an hour even when heated to a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius.

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