Rishi Rajpopat, a scientist from Cambridge University in Britain, has managed to solve a centuries-old grammatical riddle of Sanskrit.
According to "Gazeta.ru", a set of 4 thousand rules for phonetics, morphology and syntax of Sanskrit was developed around 500 BC by the ancient Indian linguist Panini.
Before the Indian scholar's discovery, there was a problem in that several rules could be applied simultaneously.
At the same time, Panini himself created a meta-rule that researchers could not decipher for 2,500 years.
Therefore, in the case of a choice between two rules, the one that came later in the order of grammar was chosen.
Rajpopat, on the other hand, proved that one should choose the one that applied to the right side of the word.
The Indian scientist's discovery helped create a clear algorithm for generating words in Sanskrit.
In the future, this will help to teach the computer the ancient Indo-European language.