Science14.12.2023 - 14:16

Scientists have claimed a link between calorie-dense food and longevity

Once the caloric content of food is reduced, the metabolism decreases, which is beneficial for longevity.

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Scientists have found out that the caloric content of food can affect longevity. Experts from the University of Connecticut came to such conclusions after an experiment conducted on fruit flies.

As stated in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, at first Drosophila were fed food imitating human junk food. As a result, the flies became sick, obese and diabetic.

Afterward, the test subjects were switched to a low-calorie diet.

Male Drosophila flies that switched to a low-calorie diet at the age of 20 days had a marked increase in longevity. They ended up living almost as long as flies that had been on a low-calorie diet since birth.

The diet also improved the health of the old and sick flies. Initially, their bodies contained high amounts of lipids and they spent more energy protecting their cells from oxidative stress.

After the transition to low-calorie food, the metabolism of the individuals changed, which significantly increased their life expectancy.

Earlier, scientists from the USA revealed the ability of strawberries to strengthen cognitive functions.
