Science14.06.2024 - 12:06

Spanish scientists said that exercising in the evening lowers blood sugar levels

Nearly two hundred overweight and obese people participated in the study.


Researchers from the University of Granada in Spain have found that blood glucose levels are affected by the time of day you exercise. They conducted a study involving 186 overweight and obese people whose average body mass index (BMI) was 32.9.

They all monitored the amount of glucose in their bodies continuously for two weeks, and found that those who engaged in moderate-intensity exercise after 6 p.m. had lower blood glucose levels and no increase the entire next day.

The researchers concluded that when prescribing a patient physical activity is very important to take into account at what time of day he will perform it.

Earlier it was reported that French scientists have identified a link between food emulsifiers and the development of type II diabetes.

Scientists have developed a special device that works on the basis of artificial intelligence and helps to fall asleep faster.
